
Ключевые возможности и технические характеристикиEmbedded smart features
  • Automatic amplitude correction and transfer of conversion loss data through USB plug and play features
  • Automatic LO amplitude adjustment to compensate for cable loss (up to 3 m or 10 dB loss)
  • Automatic detect mixer model/serial number when used with N9030A PXA, N9020A MXA, and N9010A EXA signal analyzero Automatic setting of the default frequency range and LO harmonic numberso Automatic LO alignment at start upo Automatic run calibration when time and temperature changes
Improved DANL and TOI
  • Excellent conversion loss of 27 dB maximum and excellent amplitude accuracy
ОписаниеThe Keysight M1970E 60 to 90 GHz waveguide harmonic mixer is an un-preselected mixer that will extend the operating frequency range of the N9030A PXA, N9020A MXA, and N9010A EXA signal analyzers up to 90 GHz. Smart features are embedded to help you to greatly simplify your overall test setup and improve the DANL and TOI of your test system. Go smart with harmonic mixing for your millimeter-wave applications.''